Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 2008

I finally did it! I've seen quite a few of my friends creating blogs and finially decided to make one of my own to keep everyone up on our family updates! The boys grow so fast and everyday it seems like one of them is doing something new!

Well where do I begin... Since it's July, the biggest thing this month is that my Baby Peyton has turned the big 1!! How happy and sad all at the same time. He's getting so big, even though he was army crawling at 5 months, he held out until 11 months to take his first wobbly steps and until right at his birthday to walk consistantly. But he's doing great now. He smiles all day long and is very happy, he loves to be outside, play blocks and throw things. One of his first words was ball!

Caleb is doing good too, he says things everyday that just shock me or make me laugh. He is for sure a strong willed 3 year old and likes to do his own thing, but he has his moments that you just can't help but give him a hug! He loves to swim, golf and play baseball along with riding his bike and spending every spare moment in the sand box digging! He will start preschool next month and he's very shy in new situations, so hopefully that will go well!

Both of them had a great time on the 4th of July, I was a little worried about Peyton, but he looked up at the fireworks with a huge smile all night! Caleb was really getting into helping me light them.

We have done a lot of swimming this summer! Caleb is getting to be a pro at going underwater (and holding his breath!!!) and Peyton just kicks and splashes away. He thinks he can swim all by himself so he wants you to let him go. They both get upset when it's time to get out!

Last weekend we headed out to Branched Oak for a spur of the moment day trip. With Caleb in his arm floaties all on his own and Peyton crawling/walking head first into some pretty big waves (it was really windy Saturday) it was pretty fun to watch how big they are both getting and makes me remember how to be more fun loving again!

Ok Just one last picture, I realized that I didn't have any of Peyton walking yet, so here it is!!!