Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Under Construction!

Ok... It's pretty obvious that I haven't kept up very well! I'm going to try to get this going again, so please come back soon!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Update!!! Finally!

Well, my intention was to update my blog about once a month, but maybe every 6 months is more like it!! With my scrapbooking, I don't have a lot of extra time to spend here, but I like to show you quick updates if I can! A lot has happened since I made my last post in July! So here goes...

Caleb Started Preschool!

In August, Caleb began his first year of preschool at Touching Hearts (Faith Lutheran). He absolutely loves it and is doing so well! He was so shy and I thought he'd have problems with listening as he does here, but of course, he's a perfect angel there! His shyness kept him quiet at school for quite a while, but he's now opened up and he says that he talks to his friends at school now.

New Addition!!!
A very exciting thing happened in early September, we found out that we are expecting a new baby! I spent the early weeks feeling good, then we had a turn for the worse. At 8 weeks along, I began bleeding... heavily. I went in and they found out that I had a large bleed in my uterus. It had formed something like a blood blister and for the next 6 weeks I as in the doctor for weekly ultrasounds and progesterone injections. By 14 weeks the bleed was nearly gone and I was put back on my normal schedule. At 22 weeks which was in early January, we found out that at long last we are finally going to have a baby girl!! We are so excited, especially Caleb who very much wanted a sister! We also had fun doing some great end of the summer things like camping with Nana and John, playing softball, sand volleyball and of course enjoying the weather doing whatever we could outside!
I'll try to scan one of my ultrasound pics so I can show off the cute little baby we are awaiting!

Oh, Peyton!!

No, I didn't forget about Peyton!! He is such a treat! Every day he gets funnier and funnier! He's running around trying to keep up with his brother! He's now learned how to push around chairs and things to climb up on tables, counters, etc. Gee, that sounds familiar!! He loves to play pretty much anything, as long as he's busy! He's getting into blocks and trucks. Oh, and we can't forget about anything with a ball, especially football! If he sees football on tv, he'll stop whatever he's doing and say "ootball"! We had quite a time in the fall because by his 15 month appointment he'd only gained about a pound since his 9 month appointment, although he's otherwise healthy! We did lots of tesing (ie. blood, urine, stool and cistic fibrosis), and thankfully everything came back normal. I guess he's just going to be little!! Good news now is that at his 18 month checkup last week, he'd gained a couple pounds and is almost 20lbs!!!!

October is Great!!!

My favorite time of the year is definitely fall, especially October! We took a wonderful trip to Roca Berry Farm and the boys had a great time. They loved the hay rack ride, and all the other activities! Caleb took Forever to pick out the most perfect pumpkin! We decided that we wanted a green one, and we did find a good green one along with a gourd on the vine and a dead snake which of course Caleb picked up!!


Oh the cute cows!! Caleb and Peyton were both cows for Halloween and they were super cute. The night before, Caleb helped me carve pumpkins... Well he watched most of the 'cleaning' part, because he decided that he didn't like the smell of the pumpkins. I did let him help carve part of one of the simple ones, and he loved that! They looked great! On to Trick or Treating... Caleb was so shy that he would only go up to about half the houses, but Peyton on the other hand was all over the Trick or Treating! He was loving every minute and even getting some extra candy for his brother!

Sledding! Wee!!!

Not much happened in November except it finally snowed!! Caleb thinks he's a snow plow and will spend every waking moment out scooping, even when it's only 2 degrees out! But the best highlight was taking the boys sledding. Peyton had fun but the scronny butt gets cold easy, so he only got to go once (and yes, I did take one turn too!). Caleb on the other hand wouldn't tire out and had so much fun! In the end he got thrown into the van crying with one glove and one boot after a long struggle with dad to get him off the hill! I can't wait until he can try skiing!

Christmas Program...

In December Caleb had his first school Christmas program! It was incredibly cute to see them all up there. Robert, Peyton and I along with Nana Beth and John all went to watch. Caleb spent most of the time scanning all the people there looking for us. He pretty much looked terrified most of the time. He told us he wasn't going to sing, but we just told him that as long as he stood up there and looked pretty and listened to his teacher that we'd be happy!! And he did. The most action we got was him shaking some hand bells during one song and turning in a circle when everyone was supposed to! I'll take it! In the end he had fun and seemed proud that he made it through! He just said "there were a lot of mommy's, daddy's and grandma's and grandpa's there"! They were lambs if you couldn't tell!! And do you notice that his teacher just happens to be standing right next to him... She said that's just were she sits and he happened to end up in the front! Yeah... We laughed and thought "she so did that on purpose!".

Christmas Time....

Well, we had a great christmas! We had 6 christmas' in total, but it all went very smoothly! It was the first christmas that Caleb really got into Santa and knew what the magic of it was all about! Peyton did not hesitate once to tear right into his gifts... He thought that was great! We started up in Omaha with both Grandpa and Jan and Nana and John on Dec. 20th. Next we were back up to Omaha on the 23rd for the Suing family Christmas. On Christmas eve we went over to the Heinzmans' with Roberts family. Christmas morning was all ours!!! Santa came and the boys were so excited!!! Later that evening we spent some time over at Robert's parents house to celebrate with them! All in all it was a great time!! Here are a few pics from this time...